Today we are sharing a story of a mom who has successfully overcome her health issues and inspiring others for the same. She believes in healthy eating and healthy living.
Mrs. Rupinder Kaur from Raw Rasoi.
Rupinder Kaur is the creator of Raw Rasoi. After being diagnosed with jaundice, which remained unresolved even after consulting various doctors and undergoing various tests, treatments, pathies, and medicines for more than a year Rupinder Kaur realized that she needed to take health in her hands and look into alternative ways to end her suffering. Finally, by making major dietary changes by going fully raw for a couple of days she saw major signs of recovery and hence decided to continue her journey to regain health.
After investing a lot of time, efforts and commitment for months by turning her kitchen into a laboratory Rupinder started her journey to prepare well combined and easy to digest living plant based recipes without dairy, gluten, and sugar to heal her body. Soon she started teaching the benefits of un-cooking through her workshops which became very popular.
To help and inspire those suffering from everyday health issues she started writing blogs and recipes on her website and is connected to rapidly growing a community on Facebook and Instagram.
Mrs. Rupinder Kaur – A mom and her journey of motherhood.
Like any other conscious mother, I wanted to give the best to my child, be it education, food, toys, or any other basic and primary requirements. But, I did not know what is the best way to add nutrition to our diet. I thought if we fall sick, we need to take medicine to get well. But my sickness became a blessing for me.

Eat healthy, stay happy – Life Mantra of Rupinder Kaur – Raw Rasoi – Mommy inspiration
It took me out of the darkness of ignorance and filled my life with the light of knowledge. This knowledge gave a new direction to my life. I never knew life can be so simple and beautiful. Raw food not only brought an overall change in my life but also made me a source to help others. I am grateful to almighty to what all I got in this birth and where I am in my life today.
Mrs. Rupinder before the Inception of Raw Rasoi.
I am a person with an artistic bent of mind. I grew up in a small town Patiala in Punjab. I won various certificates and prizes in painting since I was 6 years old. With a strong aspiration to teach art and art history, I did double masters in my subject and got a Gold medal from Punjab University and cleared my NET-UGC exams as well.
In order to do further research, I decided to do an MPhil from JNU. Due to limited seats and tough competition I could not clear the interview. This is when I decided to work as an editor and gain experience in the book and publishing industry which was again one of my passions. In January 2012, I got jaundice and I had to take heavy medications for 3 months with initial one-week hospitalisation.
As with any other disease, I thought I would recover from this as well and rejoin my office. But this time things were different. My body had become extremely weak. So week that I had to first extend my medical leave every week and then finally quit my job and sit at home to get well properly.
But instead of getting healthy I started developing other symptoms like indigestion, acidity, migraines, till one day I started having pain under my feet. It used to be so bad that sometimes I had to hold the wall to walk. That time my son was about 3 years old.

Eat healthy, stay happy – Life Mantra of Rupinder Kaur – Raw Rasoi – Mommy inspiration
This is when I started talking to people around me who suggested to look into my diet. Soon I started exploring options and came to know about raw food. Completely helpless at that time without any support I decided to eat fruits for a day and see what happens. One day went well, the second day and then third. I was feeling so good.
I was able to walk comfortably once again. Self-motivated I stayed raw there after. To spread awareness about healing one’s body with raw food I started teaching simple uncooked recipes in Delhi which were well appreciated. Word started spreading to other places as well and people wanted to know more about it.
So to help and support people I started my website in December 2015.

Eat healthy, stay happy – Life Mantra of Rupinder Kaur – Raw Rasoi – Mommy inspiration
Raw Rasoi is a concept based on raw vegan food to resolve dietary issues from our daily life. Mrs. Rupinder Kaur shares how it helps other Moms and the uniqueness of Raw Rasoi.
My website Raw Rasoi which means the raw kitchen is completely devoted to making raw and vegan food. There is no cooking involved. That is, there is no steaming, boiling, blanching, baking or frying involved to make any recipe.
A raw food kitchen is quite different from any other regular kitchen because of the tools, equipment, ingredients as well as the techniques and procedures involved. It is a plant based kitchen, that is there are no animal products like eggs, milk or honey. I use a wide variety of organic, local and seasonal fruits, leafy greens, grasses, herbs, spices, nuts and seeds along with natural salt and sweeteners, to make simple, easy to digest as well as super delicious juices, smoothies, salads, main meals, and desserts.
So these recipes are not only good for people in general but also those looking for gluten free, sugar-free or oil free options in their daily diet.
A woman’s body has to go through a lot of physical changes starting from puberty, pregnancy, childbirth to menopause. Along with that, they also go through social, emotional, psychological changes
A woman has to play many roles in one lifetime being a daughter, wife, homemaker (along with being professional), mother and later grandmother along with fulfilling many other relations. Out of these the most demanding is being a mother because here a woman shoulders the responsibility of raising a healthy, happy, well mannered and educated being whom she loves more than herself.
It is a day and night duty. And it is during this time that many mothers start ignoring their own self especially their food and health. They have to wake up late night to feed the baby, make him/her sleep, send him/her to school, along with looking into the needs and demands of other family members and work pressure.
At this time standing in the kitchen and preparing time-consuming recipes is not practically possible on a daily basis. Fresh fruits are nature’s fast food, packaged by God. They suit our present fast paced lifestyle perfectly. Whole fruits like bananas, mangoes, apples, guavas, persimmon and most of the other fruits are so easy to consume.
Either peel them or just wash them and eat. They are so filling as well. You can even juice them or make a smoothie or a salad. They are nourishing for both the mother as well as the child. One doesn’t need labels to prove its benefits.
Being a mother and an entrepreneur, it’s challenging to manage life sometimes, here Mrs. Rupinder Kaur shares her mantra to balance the same.
Following a fully raw food diet is not so easy. When I started my transition 4 years ago, there was very little awareness in India. So it was very challenging for me. I had to prepare everything on my own and I didn’t know what and how to make. Where to start from and where to stop.
My biggest challenge was how to make raw food desserts for my son especially his birthday cake because like other children he loves cakes. Then by hit and trial, I learned to prepare some very delicious raw cakes.

Eat healthy, stay happy – Life Mantra of Rupinder Kaur – Raw Rasoi – Mommy inspiration
To spread the awareness in his school, his friends and their parents, I started sharing my recipes with his school teachers who used them in the cooking class every week. Sometimes I too went to teach recipes to children in school. It was so much fun. Kids loved the recipes. The biggest part was I never told them it is healthy for you or forced them to eat because it is good for them.
I never tried to put words in their mouth. They ate with their own will because they made it themselves. They had seen how it is prepared from the scratch and it is so delicious.
Mrs. Rupinder makes sure that her family has the healthiest and best food, here she shares her daily healthy eating regime with us.
We start our day with water, juices, smoothies, fruits and things like that. Then I prepare light cooked India meals using local and seasonal organic ingredients. For lunch and dinner. This is for everyone in the family because I firmly believe that we are a role model for our children. If we want our children to make healthy choices we as a parent have to form our own healthy habits first. Self-discipline is very important.
Raw Rasoi is doing so well and helping many people across the country. Rupinder Kaur shares her achievements with us.
As a woman, I am happy to see young girls overcoming hormonal imbalances, PCOD and irregular periods by including more raw food in their daily diet. I am happy that we as a family are eating natural food and living a healthy lifestyle and inspiring other families as well.
We all love fruits and juices. I am a chef at home. It feels so good when other mothers overcome their own or their child’s health issues by changing their diet. Recently my son’s friend came to stay with us. He is 8 years old and was on a nebuliser. He had to take it every day or else he had difficulty in breathing.
Seeing his condition I changed his diet. I started giving him what we ate, fresh fruits, juices, and home made organic food prepared with a lot of love in a systematic and disciplined way. I also let the kids play and go for swimming. Plus I taught them yoga and meditation.

Eat healthy, stay happy – Life Mantra of Rupinder Kaur – Raw Rasoi – Mommy inspiration
Within 2 – 3 days, he was off neutralizer, running around like any other child. It was so amazing to see his progress.
Some Tips for our readers from the founder of Raw Rasoi Mrs. Rupinder Kaur.
I would simply say eat local, seasonal and organic food as far as possible. Include yoga and meditation in your daily routine. Live close to nature. Wake up with the sun and go to bed with the moon and the stars as our ancestors used to do. Sleep well, pray to God, love this life, respect everyone. Live a mentally, emotionally and physically healthy life because our children are watching us. They learn from us. We as parents are their first teacher.
Do what you want your children to do. If you want them to be happy, be happy yourself first, if you want them to be respectful, be respectful yourself first. Live a wholesome life. It’s simple to understand, but difficult to follow. But once you start applying you will find it very practical and easy to do.
Rupinder Kaur is launching her book very soon. Raw Rasoi Everyday Juices .
In Raw Rasoi Everyday Juices, Rupinder Kaur shares her story behind transitioning into a fully raw diet, overcoming her more than year long unresolved health issues and how juicing helped her to bridge the gap and bring her family on board with her new and radically different lifestyle. She also shares how her close friends and students started overcoming their own health issues by simply sipping fresh green juices.

Eat healthy, stay happy – Life Mantra of Rupinder Kaur – Raw Rasoi – Mommy inspirtaion
In her first, much-awaited recipe book, Rupinder gives a very simple way to start your own journey into a living plant-based lifestyle along with your loved ones by simply introducing one healthy habit at a time. Inside this book, you will find everything you need to know about creating simple, delicious and well-combined juices with tons of nutritional information; selecting the right kind of juicer, choosing, storing and preparing fresh, seasonal ingredients; and much more.
Say cheers to health by introducing fresh seasonal juices into your diet on a daily basis!
I thank you, Mrs. Rupinder Kaur, for sharing your journey with us; it is truly inspiring and I wish you all the best for future.
I am sure her journey has touched you. You can check out about her ventures here: Rawrasoi.
Read more inspiring stories of motherhood.
A mom who is a Marathon runner
A Single mom who was asked to leave her house as she gave birth to a baby girl.
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Wow such a wonderful person she is. I love this interview series on your blog as they inspire me to acheive more..
I am a vegan with so many food intolerances.. i think this post was custom made for me.. surely will check out this
Raw Rasoi is a newly concept based on raw vegan food. Indeed amazing pics.
Wonderful! Really an amazing read. I love the pictures though. Thanks for such information. Much needed!
Fabulous post. Always love to know about such great personality. She is an amazing woman.. Love to read her interview which is very informative for mums. Thanks for sharing.
This is such an inspiring post… healthy eating habit is the utmost essential part of life
Wow! What an amazingly strong woman. I didn’t even know jaundice was something adults could acquire. I thought it was babies only. So glad all is well now!!
I’ve read her blog and I will have to say her recipes are not only so yummy and healthy but I’ve also found them to be innovative. Glad to know more about her here.
will check her site out I love healthy food options and sites like hers are great for trying out different things at home..thnaks for sharing
Wonderful Post , Quite Inspiring one , will surely check her site and recipes , Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thank you for supporting and helping all moms of the world with this post.
What an inspiring story of rupinder kar never thought food in raw form can be so beneficial
Your journey is inspiring! I would’ve felt lost as well with all those symptoms and never would’ve guessed it was my diet that could help. I’m glad you got your best health back and found what works for you!
You always interview women who are an inspiration just like her ❤
I completely agree with Rupinder’s ideology. Raw Vegan Food is a very good idea if it can be followed religiously. Time has come when we can’t ignore our health and need to take conscious calls. Very well written post Jiya and thanks for introducing such an inspiration.
Thank you for sharing this inspiring story with us! I think as moms it’s important to reach out and learn from each other….
Wow – you even figured out how to make RAW BIRTHDAY CAKES??? That is amazing!!! We don’t do completely raw in my house, but we try to avoid processed foods as much as we can/cook minimally from fresh ingredients, and I especially love summer when there are so many fresh local fruits and vegetables that we can just slice and eat, or make into fresh salads!
Oh my God she is totally inspiration women really glad to know abt her
This post is so inspiring. I have been wanting to start living healthy. This post inspire me to do so.
This is an inspiring post, glad to know Mrs. Kaur via your blog.
Raw fruits and vegetables have immense effects on pur system when taken in disciplined form. I am looking forward for this book launch and would love to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Sharing on all forums to spread the health & cheer.
What an inspiration she is! Thanks for sharing it with us.
This is so inspiring and right up my alley. Everyday I am working towards eating more raw fruits and vegetables! I will look into this book as well. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for sharing this inspiring and amazing story with us!!! She is truly inspirational:)
Always try a new food once I always say. Not to be healthy in my case.. just to experience new things.
It is so hard to be a busy mama and still eat healthy! Great job and ps you are absolutely gorgeous <3
Thank you for this. I’ve been reading some about gut health but I fear my food addiction is too strong. How can I break my sugar and processed food addiction.
This is am inspiting story and very helpful tips
Wow, so inspiring….. I just loved reading this interview… Full of information and great insight!!! Thanks for sharing this!
This is great, another very inspirational lady. This is a wonderful series.
What an interesting read! We definitely get out of our bodies what we put in so so much of this makes sense!
This was an interesting read. I liked this mom’s journey from illness to health. More power to her
Wow! I’m starting to think I need to make a switch like this, thank you for being such an inspiration!
I read this blog twice. I loved the way she is helping others to overcome their health issues with dietary changes. Everything related to our health is based on what we eat. Yes that true. I liked the way she took her profession to a next level.