Recently I was reading about the gross reality of our country.As per the statistics of 2015, every day 2000 girls are killed in their mother’s womb even before they are born. Whereas, some 33% of women in our country are the victims of domestic violence. These are some facts I am sure will make you think twice about where are we heading. It’s high time that we take a stand and raise our voice against all the wrong doings incidents . Women should have the right to decide about their lives and be allowed to take decisions. Today, in my Mom Inspiration feature I am going to share the wonderful journey of Ms. Shruti Sharma. She is a proud single mum to a beautiful daughter. For the love of her daughter, Shruti was treated harshly in life still she gathered the immense courage to build a wonderful life together. Back in 2006 she got married in Punjab and was abused physically and mentally by her husband and in-laws for dowry and giving an heir to them. She was abandoned and thrown out of the house in the middle of the night as she gave birth to a girl child. She was left on streets to feed her newborn girl.
Today, with her sheer willingness and strength Shruti Sharma is a renowned Writer, Celebrity Interviewer, Author and a Blogger. She is an inspiration to all the women out there and her work can be seen on her website and youtube channel.

Happiness in being a Single Mom – Mom Inspiration – Shruti Sharma by themommytale
She had done her post graduation in commerce and won many accolades and awards. She was honored by IAWA (Indian Artist’s Welfare Association) and was listed amongst the 12 strongest women of India for the year 2017. She was also approached by Indian Viral Diary to submit her life’s hardships.

Happiness in being a Single Mom – Mom Inspiration – Shruti Sharma – by themommytale
Ms. Shruti Sharma as a Mom, Here she shares her motherhood journey with us.

Happiness in being a Single Mom – Mom Inspiration – Shruti Sharma – by themommytale
Honestly, it’s been more like an adventure ride to me than a journey. Every day is a new adventure. Sometimes you experience opportunities, and sometimes you face challenges but, you can’t afford to sit idle being the captain of this adventure ride. The more excited you are to face it, the stronger contender you become. My motherhood has been a roller coaster ride to me. Like any other mother, I have faced my ups and downs. Being a single parent to a 10-year- old beautiful daughter, I proudly say that I have not only enjoyed my motherhood, but also my fatherhood. She was just 6 months when I got separated from my husband and ever since, it was a new chapter of my life. The credit of my transformation from a weak to a strong woman goes to my daughter.
Ms. Shruti Sharma is a single mom, and being a single mom is not easy at all. Shruti has faced struggles in her life. Her thoughts shared to themommytale is truly inspiring.
Life brings its storms and springs; you need to accept all seasons of life smilingly. I often feel sad about the fact that most mothers feel they rarely get time for themselves after becoming a mother.

Happiness in being a Single Mom – Mom Inspiration – Shruti Sharma – by themommytale
‘Motherhood is the best excuse to excuse yourself from the world.’
I was a gym freak once but, my daughter started needing my attention. It didn’t exempt me from working out. I began to take her to the park early mornings and used to do Yoga with her while she played with her toys. Slowly, I didn’t realize that she started to chant mantras and began taking an interest in meditation with me. One of the best things that I have learned from my motherhood is that instead of telling your child what to do, you must follow those things as a habit. It’s disappointing when I observe parents requesting the teachers to scold their children for not listening to them or forcing the doctors/nurses to help their children have medicines.

Happiness in being a Single Mom – Mom Inspiration – Shruti Sharma bythemommytale
When we took the decision of being a mother, we didn’t ask the world for their opinion. I believe no mother should ever give total control of their child to anyone else. It’s our responsibility to discipline them and bring out the best in their personality.
Shruti Sharma as a Professional, writer and Blogger.
From a full-time soft skills/process trainer to a business development manager and then to a full-time mother, I have gained immense experience in professional as well as personal life. To balance my life, I started working as a freelance writer and blogger.
Today, I run my website; I am a celebrity interviewer and love to write success stories of artists from film and television fraternity. It gives me immense pleasure to share with you that if I can reach this level of success, any woman can!
Shruti Sharma is a Single Mom and a Professional writer and blogger. Here she shared her Mantra to balance her parenting and work life.
Time teaches you everything! All you need to do is, stay calm and be patient. I won’t deny that I have my mood swings and depression at times. During these moments, the best thing to do is to meditate and start chanting. Panicking during these moments will build up your child’s personality in a wrong manner too.I set my work timings in a way that I wind up things before she is home from school.
Sometimes, during critical deadlines of work, I couldn’t give her much time but, I ensure that I write about these situations in the letters and let her know how much I miss to spend time with her. Guess what, she understands completely!
Once you are a mom. Your bonding with your child is utmost superior to anything else in your life. At the same time, In our society, stereotypical nature of its mankind always raise questions, on or for a mom especially if she is a single Mom. Shruti Sharma Shares her thoughts on this.
People consider me old at times. They also assume that I am wasting the precious moments of my charming personality by not dating anyone.I believe no one in this world is satisfied with whatever they have.
‘The secret behind this charming personality is my motherhood! I am glamorous and beautiful because I am a mother. Remember, your inner beauty and satisfaction reflects your outer self. The more satisfied you are with life, the lesser stress you will have on your face.’

Happiness in being a Single Mom – Mom Inspiration – Shruti Sharma – by themommytale
I am satisfied with what I have. We both exchange letters and let each other know how much we care.We share a different bond altogether. Parents often lie to their children to find time for themselves. However, I would like to share a beautiful example; my daughter was only 7 when she had permitted me to go to Goa for a seven-day vacation and said, “Mom, you need a break as you deserve it!”
“I leave post-it notes in her tiffin box with good quotes every day.Today, she writes letters to me during bedtime and keeps it under my bed.Her innocent letters bring a broad smile to me every morning.”
Shruti Sharma 10 years back and Shruti Sharma Today.
As I said, the credit of my massive transformation goes to my daughter. The more I look into her innocent eyes, the stronger I feel like a woman.

Happiness in being a Single Mom – Mom Inspiration – Shruti Sharma – by themommytale
The Shruti 10 years ago lacked confidence, she wasn’t mature, and never thought how to take decisions in life. Today, I have overcome my marriage breakup, breast cancer symptoms, cervical spondylosis, my daughter’s hysteric treatment, her squint eye problem, and all those battles with the support of God and a great family. I don’t consider these as issues; these are strong lessons to continue in life.Such challenges are the real physical and mental workouts for me to stay fit and healthy.
Shruti Sharma shares some tips for readers of themommytale who are facing struggles in life.
I am a simple mother just like you all. All I have to say is time teaches everything. Never panic and make it worse for you as well as your child. Remember, if a woman can take care of the entire family, household, and her children, she can very well take care of herself too. You don’t have to depend on anyone for support. You are a woman, feel proud that you are the creator of mankind and being a mother, feel blessed that God has chosen you to become his warrior to fight back all odds. Just believe in yourself, and things will start happening positively! Lastly, don’t forget to smile as this magic really works.
Many parents often face a challenge of taking their kids out for shopping. I have a brilliant tip for them that I have tried myself and which works best! Give them some money beforehand and don’t stop them from buying anything that they want. Just instruct them that they can have anything they want and mommy won’t say NO! If they pick a thing from the shop, ask them to check the cost and tell them that they can certainly have it if it fits their budget. That really works!
I pass my love and light to all the strong and happening mothers reading this post.
Stay blessed and follow HOPE (Hold on Pain Ends).
I am truly inspired and feel proud to share your story on themommytale Thank you so much, Shruti Sharma , for sharing your journey with us it is truly inspiring and I wish you All the Best for future. I am sure her journey has touched you. You can check more about Shruti Sharma’s work on her site here
Shruti Sharma’s Youtube channel here.
Read more inspiring stories of motherhood.
A mom who is a Marathon runner
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Firstly, thank you for adding this up in the list. I feel privileged to read this article. It boosts me to get married and become a mother one day. I’m honored to know Shruti’s story on your blog.
Thank you so much Asavari Sharma.
Life teaches you alot. 80% we learn from life & 20% from books.
Wish you bestvwishes n smooth journey for rest of your life.
Godbless you always.
Thank you Jeevan.
Wow she is such an inspirational.women. In spite of so many hurdles in life she took the decision of being a mother and taking care of her daughter. Hats off mam.
Thanks Rakhi for your lovely comments.
Such a struggling life she had lived. But she got her way out and came out as stronger woman. Very inspiring. ???? thanks for sharing
Thank you Nisha for your encouraging comments. I am glad that I have inspired you and many other parents and single moms to some extent.
It is not an easy road but I love being a single mom…. I was devestared when my husband first left but now I would have it no other way. I have found my happiness…
I love being a single mom even though it is a hard road sometimes….
Feel so good to know about such a great and strong woman. Her life is full of thorns but still she is enjoying it with full charm. She is really brave and she is an inspiration for many. Even i learnt a lot by her story of life and her different view point about motherhood. Fantastic post. Thanks for sharing about her life.
I sometimes think the life of women is a full of struggle. But these real women give encouragement to us. Shruti’s story is really an inspiration.
Read the full post.. she is truely an inspiration for many women out their… Loved it!
Such a beautiful read ???? Loved the mother daughter bond
my daughter is a single mother and while th efathre does see the children about 10 days a month she is main care taker. Heer and the rest of us her family. We support all she does and needs
thanks for sharing your post
Nice to learn about another amazing women and a mother 🙂
Very inspiring story…. Women are born strong.. they just have to over come the situation… No one can stop them
What an inspiring story. It is similar to mine. We have something in common.
This is just what I needed to read this morning! Thanks so much for sharing. I also do the money thing when out shopping – it really does work!!
This is a very inspirational read. I take my hat off to single parents.
It is a privilege to know more about her. Way to go Ms Shruti. You are inspiring a lot of mothers with your journey
What a story and what an inspiring woman! Thank you for sharing.
she’s been so strong – its inspiring!! Lovely read 🙂
Wow.. that’s truly amazing. You are fortunate to interview her and we are fortunate to know her through you.
Heading to her channel now. Thanks for sharing this.
It’s so great to know and connect with such people really inspires you and teaches you so much about life
I love this article, simply because it pours out the confidence you display as a mom.
While her story is truly wonderful, I’m not sure if I agree with her thoughts when she says that we should offer our kids money at the supermarket to ensure our work gets done. I probably would just like to train the kids to participate and over a period of time, they’ll learn what it is that is expected of them in behavioural terms when we go out shopping. For me, the trips to the market are so often that I don’t think I can afford to let them buy what they want every single time
Hello Manveen,
That is so beautiful of you to share your idea. I strongly disagree with the idea of bribing and do not follow it ever. Due to time shortage and content’s beauty I couldn’t elaborate many pointers but, since you highlighted these points, let me help you with what I mean by these habits. By giving them little money and letting them know that they can have their favorite stuff doesn’t imply on anything that they desire. We give each other the tasks of picking up the groceries and practically understanding what shopping is.
My daughter often checks the price tag and when she understands that she is short of money to buy that stuff, she starts saving the little rewards in her piggy bank to make it big. She realizes that to attain something that she truly desires, there is patience and hard work needed. I agree, the rule doesn’t imply to every child as they all are different in adapting to their learning needs.
I appreciate your comments and it’s always a new learning every day that I am excited for. Stays blessed with your little one and keep smiling!
My love and light to you
Thanks a lot for taking the time to share your thoughts in such elaborate detail 🙂 I pray for a joyous life for you and your little one.
Such a strong woman. I really respect her and she has rightly mentioned that time teaches you everything you just need to remain calm and patient.
Such a beautiful and inspirational story. Hats off to Shruti for standing tall against all odds.
This is a great story of overcoming obstacles. I am constantly amazed by how strong moms are. Thanks for sharing her story!
She is such an inspiration for all moms & women struggling in their lives. Hats off to her & more power to her! Thanks for sharing her story with us all.