I am thankful to my Mom who always allowed us to enjoy food. So how does this sound to you if I say, I do allow my kids a variety of food from instant noodles, Maggi, Burger to a cold drink and much more? Trust me this is the age when kids love experimenting with different foods. I as a mother strongly believe that any food if given in moderation is not harmful.

I believe in moderation, not deprivation when it comes to my kid’s diet
When I come to think of my own childhood I feel happy about being able to eat everything and anything. I want my kids to live that kind of life where they have the freedom to eat anything but also are aware of their limits. These childhood days will never come back.
After becoming a parent, I heard people talking about how some food is not good for kids and should be avoided. I started searching answers to this question. Today, in this post I am sharing my personal views, research, and experience.
Healthy vs Unhealthy food.
Let’s understand what is healthy food and unhealthy food. Healthy food is a balanced diet which our body needs and is rich in nutrients like fruits, vegetables and legumes or nuts. Whereas Unhealthy food is rich in fat, trans fat, unsaturated fat, and Sugar. But, my question is I do find a coating of wax on fruits these days or I read the use of harmful chemicals in fertilizers while growing crops or vegetables. So, with this does any difference exist in healthy food and unhealthy food? Well, I would say moderation is the key to a happy or healthy lifestyle.

I believe in moderation, not deprivation when it comes to my kid’s diet
Let’s understand what is balanced diet?
One must have balanced diet for a healthy life. But, do we always eat a balanced diet? The food I offer to my child is it balanced diet? These questions have always troubled me.
Being a mother of two kids I read a lot and took help of nutritionist and pediatrician of my children about healthy balanced nutrient-rich diet. Nutrition fact says that balanced diet is a meal that consists of essential nutrients you intake.

I believe in moderation, not deprivation when it comes to my kid’s diet
These essential Nutrients includes carbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins, fibers, Minerals, and Fat. They hold a real importance in your everyday diet and functioning of the body. As they are responsible for growth, tissue repair and cell function of the body.
Yes, you read right fat is an essential nutrient required for your body’s everyday need. Also, I read an interesting information regarding balanced diet and nutrition, ICMR on Dietary Guidelines for Indians suggests, the total fat in the diet should provide between 20-30% of total calories. They also suggest an intake of up to 50g of fat in daily diet per person per day based on the level of physical activity and physiological status.
My love for my Maggi
I loved Maggi since my childhood. Maggi was my snack partner for a midnight snack, snack for chit-chat with friends, Maggi was a reward when I use to get good marks in the exam and sometimes when Mom used to ask “What all you wish to have for dinner ?” We use to reply in chorus “Maggi”
Now, Maggi is an inseparable part of my life as I am a working mom and sometimes I do feel like having something quick and easy. My kids enjoy Maggi in as many variations I offer them.

I believe in moderation, not deprivation when it comes to my kid’s diet
I had 8 packets of Maggi Atta Noodle. And we personally relished finishing those packets. We believe in balanced diet and hence Maggi in moderation is the key and we enjoy family time once a week with our favorite Maggi.
Basis my recent internet research I am sharing few points here. As we know for a balanced diet we need an intake of approximately 50-60% of total calories in a day from carbohydrates, about 10-15% from proteins and 20-30% from fat. So, I read the pack of Maggi Noodle and came know that it delivers this balance really well. After comparing the recommendation from ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) with Maggi noodle I observed that the balance between Protein, Carbohydrate and Fat matches really well.
For instance, let’s say newly launched MAGGI Oat noodles provides energy in this recommended ratio as stated by ICMR –Energy from carbohydrates (56%), protein (10%) and fats (33%).

I believe in moderation, not deprivation when it comes to my kid’s diet
But this was not sufficient when a mom is doing a research for her kids she needs extra information. So, I went a step ahead to understand the process of making or manufacturing of maggi noodles. Preparation of MAGGI noodles start with the mixing of flour; water etc. in a mixer to produce dough. The dough then goes through a series of rollers to form a thin sheet.This sheet is then made into fine noodle strands. At first, they are steamed – fundamentally the same as we prepare steam rice or Idli. At that point, they are prepared. Next step includes frying of about a moment and a half which decreases the dampness in the noodle and cooks the noodles cakes enough for them to stay stable for a while before they achieve shoppers. This likewise guarantees you can cook your MAGGI noodles in bubbling water in only 2 minutes. At last in the wake of drying and cooling the noodles strands are waved and folded to form the final noodle cake

I believe in moderation, not deprivation when it comes to my kid’s diet
The noodle cakes along with the TASTEMAKER® sachets are then wrapped and sealed in pouches. Last but not the least, I wanted to make doubly sure before I offer my snack buddy Maggi to my love bundles, my kids. I wanted to check few nutritional aspects. So I came to know after reading and researching that The fat content per serve (per pack) in the various MAGGI noodles is 11-13g and is well within the recommended proportions. It is about 1/5th of the total fat requirement for a person’s daily diet. so If I compare this with the bowl of butter chicken, or Aloo Paratha its way less.
MAGGI is constantly improving its nutritional profile by reducing salt, Trans Fatty Acids and by adding micro and macronutrients. My Maggi is safe and my love for Maggi won.
Yay! Trust me I am a big fan of Maggi instant noodle.
Some tips for moms who believe in moderation not deprivation like me.
- Always offer a small quantity of any fun food to your child.
- If you are offering instant noodle or any such food item always make sure you read the nutritional value and details related to the product on the pack.
- Never buy a product who’s packaging is hampered or is out of shelf life.
- Always educate your child to eat in moderation and exercise.
- If you take any food in moderation it will never harm your body.
Ah! while writing this post I started craving my Maggi. So in the meanwhile I enjoy my bowl of Maggi, please do comment and share your thoughts with me or if possible do share how you love to eat Maggi.
A disclaimer: The thoughts shared in the post are genuinely mine and based on my experience and research. Readers are advised to conduct their own due diligence before they decide to consume or not consume any product. If you are allergic for any food item of the ingredient, please refer to the packet and read the details carefully.
Very nicely articulated. I agree with most of youe views.
Whenever I hear about nutrition and balanced diet for kids my heart really sinks because my son is tooooo picky .. He just won’t eat vegies or fruits. I hope he grows up soon and understand the importance of healthy diet. Loved reading the article.
Nice article, the kiddo looks happy, what else can you ask for right?
I love my maggi and crave for it often
I still eat Maggie noodles and I love it! ???? It’s so tasty!
Absolutely a balanced diet is best practice for everyone. Great tips.
Too much of anything is bad and one should be allowed to indulge on fun and easy cooking to spare some quality time alone or with family. We love Maggi too and I give it to my kids in moderation.
I totally agree with the idea of allowing kids to enjoy food. Lately I have started allowing my little one to have what she wants. Having said that but of course in moderation. That’s when they get to know different tastes and textures.
I agree to everything. I haven’t seen parent stop their kids from having ice cream, that’s a junk food. Then I don’t get why they have to restrict other things. Instead on focusing on what not to eat, teaching kids to eat lesser quantities helps them have good eating habits. And I agree I love Maggie too and I give it in moderation too, just like chaats and chocolates and chips etcc
I’m big Maggie lover and I like to eat classic flavour the Maggie oats noodles sounds healthy will try it soon
Like your post. Moderation is always good. We must not push our kids tto hard. They might find some ways to get their hands on them. may not be when they re young, but as they grow. I too feed my kids Maggi and we are a generation grown upon Maggi.
Making kids consume a balanced diet is what every mother should learn⚡️
Very informative and beautiful blog.. I agree with your views
I prefer oats Maggie’s over wheat one.. They are more healthy I guess
Maggie is my absolute favourite… In my childhood it was the only snack for me as i had many diseases and doctor didn’t allow most of the snacks available at that time.. i love Maggie.. ❤
there is no harm in eating things in moderation . maggi is my all time fav 😀
Maggie is my and my kids all time favourite. But because of some rumors about Maggie I stopped buying it as it is not healthy for us. But this oats Maggie sounds healthy and nutritional. My daughter love to eat Maggie in this new flavour.
Great post, moderation is a way to go! 🙂
Definitely balanced diet is the best for all of us. And I love Maggi
Well said! Moderation is the key and everyone should be allowed to enjoy!
I love maggi and we too, choose the Atta variant and relish eating it -It is filling and a fun experience. haha.. I am also craving a maggi now!
I totally love this- everything in moderation isnt harmful- I dont stop my kids from indulging in food- i only stop them when they overindulge
Couldn’t agree more. I give my son everything but in moderation. As we need treat our kids too need some yummy treat like Maggie