During my childhood days mom gave me quite a lot of crossword to solve. Howsoever difficult, few clues were enough to solve it easily. My mom also loved solving crossword so we used to spend good amount of time solving these together. We loved that time of ours.
Most of the moms often get worried when their child looses focus and concentration. Child’s Concentration is a mother’s main worry these days. In fact it’s quite natural and normal as well given the pressures kids face these days. With the growing age kids face immense pressure of studies, sports, extracurricular activities, competitions and much more. They get distracted due to emotional and psychological issues as well.
As a mother of 8 years old, I have faced these challenges so I started searching and reading about this topic. I am sharing my experience here that how we practiced a few games at home which gave me visible results in increasing my Child’s Concentration.
Think and Play :
Well, we all know if a child is able to think he is able to plan and implement. Ultimately, the goal is achieved that is concentration. We need to encourage kids to play puzzle games like Jigsaw puzzle, crosswords, spelling games, Games like UNO to attain attentiveness.

How to improve a Child’s Concentration
Sequence and win:
Kids love this game give them a number or sentence in a jumbled manner and ask them to put in proper sequence, keep the timer on. You will see the best result of this and Child’s Concentration will improve especially in English if you gave sentences and maths if you play with numbers, As a result a god hold on these subjects is achieved.
Silent Game:
I am sure all moms will love this. I ask my kids to sit in one position without talking, laughing and moving like a statue. And you know what my younger one is always ready to laugh as soon as we say start. And my elder one always wins. This is a game to make them learn to sit in one place and the importance of silence. This gradually improves Child’s Concentration and focus.
Number Games:
You can teach your child playing Sudoku. Playing Sudoku is a very good exercise for the brain it definitely helps in increasing Child’s Concentration. It improves Child’s Concentration , memory and logical thinking. As well as in my came my daughter feels happy too. I ask her to play online onlivesudoku.com. one can choose the level they wish to play beginners, medium, hard and extreme. You have a 9X9 grid to play or for kids, a 3X3 grid is also available. It’s so much fun and my daughter does not close it until she completes it.

How to improve a Child’s Concentration
Rubik’s Cube.
We all have seen Rubik’s Cube and this one game is good to increase the Child’s Concentration likewise it also improves eye and hand coordination. Again you can opt for a small cube or a bigger one as per the need of a child.

How to improve a Child’s Concentration
Tips to increase the concentration and memory
- Green eating and Clean eating:
If a child eats green leafy vegetables, salads etc are less prone to any health issues. Staying fit falling less ill is really important when we think to increase a Child’s Concentration. Likewise healthy eating also improves immunity of a child.
- Focus:
It gives an immense scope to fix a child’s focus on one thing at one time.
- Brain development:
Very good practice to exercise brain cell.
- Hand and Eye coordination:
Yes when child play games like Rubik’s Cube, solve puzzles it helps them to increase the level of hand and eye coordination.
- Confidence booster:
Once they won a game the confidence on their face is just lovely. It helps them to face challenges and induce more confidence in a child. As a result we get more confident personality.
These are some of my ways to increase concentration. I am a Mom and above all a partner in all her games hence I can see the result very well. Do share with us your tried and tested ways to boost concentration in kids.
I would love to hear your ideas don’t forget to leave a comment in the section below.
Copyright to this content is with @themommytale.
These are some great techniques to boost the concentration. U personally love the number game and Rubik cube
I really wanted to read something like this as my daughter is so much bubbly and now my son also don’t want to sit …need really to work on their concentration
Rubic’s cube and Sudoku are my kid’s favourite. These are sure shot brain teasers and increase kid’s focus and concentration
This is really informative post.. Numbers games and silent games is really very unique.. Will definitely try
Lego is also great as an option. Actually, both my boys love all the above mentioned and now I see why their memory is so good.
Increasing concentration is extremely important to help the kids to focus on the work at hand. This increases efficiency to a great extent too.
Great tips, I’m actually in a phase wherein I see my just turned 4yo many times has least concentration. Silent game is something I have recently started and reading your experience, I’m sure to continue it. I also give him sorting games as sorting different pulses, which becomes quite interesting.
Uno and rubiks cube are popular at our home too.The meditation game we try every afternoon.
puzzles, number games and crosswords are really helpful for improving concentration. This post is really informative for every parents
I loved Rubik’s cube as a kid although I could never solve it! Crosswords and jumbled word games are really amazing and sitting silently is another great one!
These are great tips for improving kids’ concentration. I give my kids in puzzles, games and lots of other activities too.
these are some cool ideas. I guess these games are really gonna help kids for their concentration.
Loved each and every point mentioned, Sequence and win is a trick that I personally use a lot
I too have tried all steps to increase my daughter concentration and rubic cube is really good to increase concentration
Even I started playing Sudoku and my son also loves watching me play. I agree it is a great game for memory.
Great idea, I think a lot of adults could benefit too! I really want to learn to complete a rubix cube.
Thank you for sharing such relevant tips, always thought how to improve concentration on my kids.
I love these! I myself as an adult even struggle with concentration. Going to keep these in mind.
I didn’t realize until reading this how many of these I loved as a child. My first and favorite was puzzles and even as a 3 yr old I had puzzles laid out on my aunt’s coffee table in varying stages of completion. I even went to one of her neighbours down the road to put together theirs 🙂
We were talking about this very subject today at work. Children find it hard to concentrate these days and you have provided some great tips here.
I love playing games with my kids! I think it is important for them to learn how to lose and how to win. 🙂
These are really good tips. I must try these out on my girls and see if they work on them.
Most of the games you have suggested my mom used to play with me. Till date I love crosswords and Sudoku. And I would gladly say that it helps.
These are great ideas to helping the youth with concentration… I remember trying the silent game when my kids were young (maybe 5) and it worked for about 20 sec lol I’ve had great success with puzzles and legos and even Pokemon cards ; )
My son is pretty young for all of these but they are great ideas! I wish there was a way to have a toddler concentrate A bit longer on things !
This are some beautiful tips to improve children’s concentration. Does that work for teens too ?
These are great ideas! Playing a game to notice everything around you is a good game for concentration, too.
We have a few different rubik cubes and the kids love them. The younger ones havent figured them out yet but they spend ages trying!
Thank you for the tips.
I’ll send this to my friends who are moms. This can be a great help for them 🙂
These are great things to boost a child’s mind. good tips. I use word finds to help my son recognize letters. Thanks for sharing.
Fab tips here. Number games are great for helping kids to focus. My kids play lots of number games.
I don’t have kids yet but would love to play these games when the right comes. These are some proven techniques everyone should use.
This is a great and very informative topic to me. Thanks for sharing this on time. Will definitely Spread the buzz with other moms.
These are such great tips for improving concentration. Honestly, I could probably use some of these for myself. I’m constantly challenging my own ability to keep focus and it’s really hard sometimes so this is great to start early with kids.
All kinds of games are good for teaching your child skills, things about winning and losing, and methods to give greater lessons about life. I definitely should get my daughter that Rubik’s cube. She would love it.
These are really helpful tips to improve concentration in kids. My kids love jigsaw puzzles and Sudoku.
Sudeko and puzzle games are great to increase concentration ability in kids. These are one type of mental exercise.
Great ideas for improving concentration as my son is young it is the right time to instill this practice. Kids have a lot of energy s will surely try out Silent game and Jumble up games with him.
This is a very helpful and informative blog post. It’s not everyday where we get to learn some of these easy yet helpful steps on improving your child’s memory. This will greatly help those parents out there who would want to make their children smarter. This is really nice 🙂
These are some amazing ways to build upon the child’s concentration levels. I often get the complaints from daughter’s class teacher about the span of her focussed involvement. Will try these tips with her.
Whenever my niece comes over we play puzzles or number games. Kids find this fun and it is a great way to help them improve on their focus and concentration.
These are such useful tips for moms. Loved all the lil details you have shared here. Rubix cube and Sudoku were my fave too while growing up.
Getting the kids to learn how to focus can be a challenge. While some have a natural knack, others need to work on it. You’ve listed some good techniques here especially ones like the sequence game and even the game of silence (this one’s good for the mother too ;))
These are some really great ideas to improve concentration. Number games is something I believe in a lot, along with silence time:)
Concentration is a tough thing for kids today due to so many distractions. These tips look useful. Thanks for sharing them will try and apply.
All the tips looks great. I have heard a lot about Rubik cubes. Would love to try it out with my little one. Thanks for sharing
These are some great ideas to increase the concentration of kids while they are enjoying
Wow that’s awesome share, I would buse these tips for my girl too
Much needed tips for moms! My kids love Lego and that really helps them to focus.
These are some of the best tricks and tips to boost concentration in the kids. Thank you for sharing these tips with us.
Number game is truly one of the best way to increase the focus and concentration of the child. You have shared some really great tips. A must read for the parents whose kids are school going.
I love the ideas you have shared. I personally feel Sudoku and croosswords works wonders. My elder one love solving sudoku puzzles.
I will sure try these withmy daughter ..these are quite fun and great to be with kids and have fun
Jigsaw puzzle & sequence game are so good for memory improving even I will try and inculcate this practice for myself also. Thanks these easy ways of boosting memories.
Very nice options. I we would go with sudoku… All the tips are helpful.
Oh, these are great examples of games for developing attention. We have a family favorite play is spelling. Especially on trips, it does not take much space and there is the opportunity to play anywhere.
Great tips here. I used to buy my kids all the different Rubiks cubes as stocking fillers. they loved them 🙂
These are some good tips. I’ve already seen my two oldest granddaughters (ages 4 and 6) improve their concentration and eye-hand coordination with some of these same activities.
Great advice! One thing I use with kids is also boardgames. Nowadays there are boardgames for all ages starting from as young as 2. It’s a fun way to be together and different games train different mind skills, including (good for toddlers) waiting for your turn! 🙂
Nice ideas… Its definitely help to improve the concentration
nice pos… amazing love this concept definitely puzzles are improving the child concentration