Monsoon makes you feel fresh and happy but, at the same time the humid climate, Viral, Cold and Flu bring worries isn’t it? And If you have an Infant at home I can imagine the mom’s state of mind. The humidity and water give a base to mosquitoes for breeding and they spread diseases. Newborn babycare Monsoon remain in a mom’s thought.
The Newborn Babycare Monsoon is really an important task for a mom.

Newborn Baby care during Monsoon by themommytale
To help you overcome those worries and take a good care of your baby. Here are some quick tips for Baby care in Monsoon, I am sharing with you as per my knowledge and experience. Along with Newborn babycare Monsoon we moms remain worried about Immunity of our family members read here some great tips.
Are you worried about toddlers and family healthcare during Monsoon Read here the solution of all your worries.
A Clean baby is a happy baby:
This is the first and very important step for Baby care in Monsoon.
As Newborn does not come in direct contact with dirt and pollution So, giving a bath to a newborn 2 times a week is fine. But, in Humid climate, it is advisable to give a bath to a baby once every day. This is the best way to keep all disease at bay. I would suggest avoiding much oil massaging during the monsoon as oil at times stick to the skin and block the pores.
Clean and cool Clothing:
The temperature during monsoon shows so much up and down. Sometimes it is heated as hell and sometimes its is cool as heaven. I would suggest to keep your baby in comfortable cotton clothes and keep a baby wraps handy so that if it becomes cool wrap your baby immediately. Change your baby clothes 2 to 3 times a day.
Keep your surroundings clean: Do not let water to stand near your house or inside. The water logging gives a breeding base to the mosquito. Use floor disinfectant to clean the house. Keep changing the bed sheets, Pram sheets or cradle sheets often.
Sanitise and Sterilise:
Yes, this is really the most important step. Always sanitize or wash your hands before touching the baby or making food for baby. If your formula fed always sterilize the feeder or bottle before use.
Keep Mosquitos away.
As monsoon is a good season for the reproductive cycle of Mosquitoes. They can spread diseases quickly during monsoon. As the most prominent place for mosquitoes is Garden area to prevent their growth keep natural mosquito repellent plants in your garden areas like Citronella, Basil, Lemongrass etc.
Use Cradle or baby bet nets a good quality mosquito nets are available online. Mosquito repellent sprays and patches as well you can use.
Use debug spray or mosquito replant spray for your home and outside areas.
Drink safe and eat healthily: Drink purified water, As there is a great possibility of encountering water borne diseases with unsafe or unfiltered water. Eat healthy and home cooked food avoid outside food as much as possible.Outside food gets exposed to open air and pollutants. This can again become a cause of getting sick.
Wish to explore some Baby Products read here
Mommy stays healthy and fit.
If you are healthy and fit. your baby is safe. and most of the time Cold and flu are passed to babies from mom’s. Take care of yourself first.
Monsoon is a lovely season. I am sure you will enjoy the Peeter Patter Raindrops.
Mom are you worried about your hair-care routine during Monsoon read here.

Newborn babycare in Monsoon
Just enjoy the essence of the season. Monsoon will come back next year so take care and have a great splash.
Happy Monsoon!
As a Part of #MonsoonBlogging Here are Blogs from our Blogging tribe.
Keeping Preschoolers enagaged and indoor is again a big task for we moms Read some amazing tips here
Immunity is again big task read here some great tips.
Mom are you worried about your hair-care routine during Monsoon read here.
For your glowing Skin during Monsoon skin care read here
General Tips for Monsoon read here
Thanks for these tips!!! They are all so important and life-saving! XOXO
Thankfully, we don’t get monsoons where I live, but I’ll keep this in mind in case we ever move and that changes. I never knew so much would be different!
Wow, great ideas. I’m from a dry climate, so my routines are a little different, but your tips are great.
Thanks for sharing. We don’t have monsoons, but we do have mosquitoes and ticks. I spray my yard with a natural cedar oil spray that is safe for the kids and pets and keeps the bugs away.
I don’t have monsoons in my area, so I didn’t know all the things you need to be mindful of. Interesting!
Hi..nice post with useful tips.These are practical tips we should implement.
Loved this…and sanitising is very important during monsoon
I love your subpoint “Clean Baby is a Happy Baby.” When my kids were babies, we did baths almost every night just to help with their routine.
Lovely posts Jiya. All the tips and options shared by you are awesome. It can actually get tricky when a newborn falls sick. With such less immunity, it’s easily possible for them to fall sick. Precaution is a must.
Really informative and useful post for all new moms. Happy to join with you for #Monsoonblogging !!!
Very useful tips for moms and specially new moms.. It is really to be careful in case of new babies…
I wish I had these handy when my kiddos were small.. unfortunately we had to learn by experience
Such a useful post for every new mother !
A clean baby is truly a happy baby
Very good Article for those who are new moms. I also learned a new thing that Citronella, Basil, Lemongrass etc plants work as a natural mosquito repellent. thanks for the useful article.
I wish i knew them earlier., I have a monsoon baby and i know how much i faced due to lack of knowledge. This post is full of information that i could not stop myself from sharing it with my friends on social media.
I try to keep most of the things in mind especially during monsoon this ensures my baby stays healthy
Very useful and informative post. You have mentioned all the measures that a mommy need to know for her baby. And the best part is that you also have given tips for moms too. A healthy mom only can keep her baby healthy.
What wonderful tips! We have started wearing our winter clothing again so those long sleeves and covered legs help a lot in protecting a baby who is constantly on the move.
These are really good tips especially for people living in coastal climates. Karma was born in Singapore and even though it wasn’t technically monsoons then, regular rain and humidity are around all year round. So we followed pretty much a similar system for her. We also kept a bottle of hand sanitiser in our living room so whoever came to meet her could sanitise hands first as she was a new born baby. 🙂
Monsoons is something we all wait for but when it strikes it gets the by products too… aa rightly mentioned in your post
Healthy and clean baby with all precautions is best for monsoons.
Very important and useful pointers
I so agree with the problems g=faced in monsoon, these are helpful tips. Thanks
These are very relevant tips, not just for newborns but for toddlers as well.
These are some really useful tips. I agree healthy and happy mom means a healthy and happy family. Thank you for sharing this.
Monsoons make hygiene so difficult with flies and mosquitoes I am going to try citronella for the pests.
Great tips for moms to keep babies safe and healthy in monsoons. These are helpful for older kids and moms too.
These tips are the need of the hour! Very essential in this season.
I love the series you awesome moms are doing. Your post was so informative, simple things we must take care of
I love rain but yes with rain comes many bugs and problems. I am so agree with you that if mother is healthy, newborn is 80% safe already so with taking care of the newborn, the mother should also take care of herself during monsoons.
Growing up in humid climates is so different from Europe. Now we live in Mauritius, and I see how the healthcare is different – it’s actually really good advice you put together here.
Great tips! Thank you! Baby care or a Newborn care during Monsoon requires an additional efforts.
This addresses some issues I had never considered since I don’t live where there are Monsoon seasons. Thanks for the new perspective! And I will share for readers that need this great info!
Good tips to think about!The monsoon region moms require extra care for newborns.
Love this, and I totally agree with taking care of yourself first! Sometimes us Moms can forget that!
Your little one is absolutely adorable!!!! I love his sweet little smile!! These are wonderful tips to help out other mamas! Thanks for sharing:)
My son was born during monsoons and I know how worried I used to be about hygiene. These are some great tips to follow.
Very valid points. Healthy Mummy rears healthy Baby! I would also say that Happiness is another important factor that must be considered for augmenting the health
Those were some of the very important tips. Especially the mosquitoes and the cleanliness
Monsoons are really tricky when it comes to health and more so for a new born. Mosquito patches are good option for infants.
Mosquitoes are a really big problem… Keeping the mosquitoes away is very important! All the tips are really helpful
These are some perfect tips for mom’s to take care of in this wether and keep kids safe and healthy
Such helpful tips and you have shared some really useful products here too.. Wonderful pasts shared by your tribe as well
Monsoon is indeed that time of the year when moms are the most worried about infections and diseases. I think these tips shared by you are a must-read for mums and will help the kids as well.
Monsoon care is very important. Most deadly parasites and infections lurk around these days. I am already paranoid with raising cases of lepto in Mumbai. And have become obsessive with hand and foot sanitizing.
Thanks for sharing such crucial pointers.
Thank you so much for these tips. I have just become a bua to a baby boy and I will share this with my sister in law.
Such a informative blogpost. Lovely tips on babycare in monsoon. I am not married but share this post with my friends.
Drink purified water is definitely the best tips for monsoon.. Awesome post love to it..
Mosquito repellent are really imp in monsoons plus hygiene is utmost practice to do at home
I used to rub neem oil on the cradle so mosquitoes would not be around the kid. And a net for sure
Perfect timing for this blog. Great points for mosquitoes and cleanliness
Very insightful post. This post should be read by all new moms
Such a nice tips you given. Liked all. Everyone should follow these tips in monsoon for babies .such a informative post.
My SIL just had a baby and she would really love to read this article. Monsoon is a beautiful season but for a baby some precautions must be taken. Wonderfully written.
Thanks for sharing such useful post, Monsoon season brings lots of skin infections and mosquitoes, we need to be more attentive towards kids hygiene.
Thanks for shating wonderful tips. Its very neccessary to protecr our kids from monsoon virus.
Plus same side protect them too.
Amazing and informative post. Very useful and beneficial tips for the kids care in the monsoons. Great thoughts.