Experts advise that babies should be introduced to solids when they reach the age of six months. So, when my baby reached this milestone, I was all set for his first feeding. I prepared rice cereal. Luckily, he took in the initial two spoons very well. But slowly, he became cranky. And then started the beginning of my battle.
Every day since then, I had to literally fight every feeding time, struggling to keep myself sane as he continued to be cranky, spit up food, roll on the floor and what not. I knew that my baby did not do all this on purpose, of course, but that didn’t make it any less challenging. I had to struggle for breakfast, lunch and dinner, every single day!
I am sharing here some of the challenges I faced while introducing solids to my baby, and what finally made things better for us. I hope this will help you along in your journey of solid foods with your baby too!
1. Distractions at home were a big barrier for me to feed my baby peacefully
The television, voices of other family members, noise from the road outside – all of this would distract my baby whenever I sat down to feed him. He seemed to catch on to these distractions just so he could stay away from me when I was feeding! As soon as he heard anyone or anything he started cooing.
I had a tough time trying to overcome this problem. It is still really difficult to attain pin drop silence in the house. So I started playing audio rhymes to keep his concentration from wavering. And yes, I have also made him sit in a closed room and feed. It may sound harsh but sometimes, this was the only solution to get him to eat some food.
2. He would spit up everything I would feed him
This was one of the most distressing things for me. Whenever I tried to feed him, he would be fine for the initial one or two spoons. But then he would start spitting from the mouth. He even kept food inside the mouth for a long time and then spit it up! This was not only upsetting for me, but is also made everything so messy! I ended up cleaning baby, myself, the floor and sometimes even the walls of the room.
I was so worried about this that I asked my doctor about it. Thankfully, he said it’s normal and that I should try variety in foods.
3. He was such a picky eater that he wanted the same thing every day
One day I prepared carrot and apple puree for my baby. He loved it and had a full bowl. The next day, I gave him mashed banana but he refused. So I prepared the same puree again and he ate it for days!
Now if someone asks me to have same food every day I will get dead bored! But I think babies get comfortable with one kind of food. He picked up one type of food and now did not wish to try anything else. This behavior led me to worry about his nutrition and I would keep trying to introduce something new every day. But the same tantrums, the same food frustration, and the same judging of mom’s patience was the routine.
My pediatrician asked me to feed puree every day as there was no harm in it. But he also asked me to make my baby realize that until he has two spoons of cereal or something else he will not get puree. Now this trick totally worked for me!
4. He would feed as if in a party one day, but the next day he would be fasting
There were some days when my baby would have food nicely for all three meals. Sometimes, even four. But the very next day he would not have anything at all or would just wish to be breastfed! This behaviour continued for an entire month and I could not do anything about it. Fortunately, this challenge faded in a month’s time.
5. I got tons of unsolicited advice from family and friends which only made me go raving mad
“Aww, poor baby is crying; leave him!”
“Feed him in an hour’s time.”
“Give him breast milk now.”
One of the greatest challenges I faced during this phase was all the advice that came pouring in! It made me go crazy! I have a loving family and lovely friends but honestly, when it comes to my baby I am the one in-charge and would respect it if you don’t give me advice when I haven’t asked for it.
This post was originally written for World of Moms to Read ahead click here.
Read about essential Nutrients for your child here.
Very insightful article. Loved reading your experience.
Thank you I am overwhelmed you liked it
Good tips and thanksfkr sharing your journey
Thank you I am happy you liked it.
hey i loved the post…very important useful and yes i am sharing it with my friends too!!!!
Thank you so much. I am overwhelmed you liked it and sharing
Every milestone is a challenge,we’ve all been there,like the fact that you mentioned you can even cover up a book:)
Thank you so much for the humble words
Every milestone is an experience !! I was quite in the same boat too
Thank you so much
I am happy you liked it.
I introduced semi solids to all three of my kids. Although, of course, the struggles are real. Great post.
At the age of 7 months*
Thank you so much
Advices and Mood swings are the big challenges. Not everyone or the children understand things a mom goes through. Every child is different
Weaning the baby definitely is challenging.. especially if baby is a picky eater.
I am sure every mother would have faced these challenges… being a mom is such a task and feeling kids is even bigger
I too faces almost same difficulties with ny son.. He started having solid only after he turned one..
Thanks for sharing your journey.loved the post.
Loved reading it it was very well written.
It is very difficult to feed solids to babies.. your struggle was tough ????
I can totally connect to all these things really well… Even I have faced the same issues