Inspiring tale of a Motherhood – Part 2 – Story of Amita Gupta Founder Workoid.
Motherhood: All begins and ends here. By Brainy Quotes.
After giving birth we mom’s – lose our body shape, Emotional confidence, Job, etc. Some of us even leave behind our identity. We are just Mom’s, we think about our baby, baby food, baby’s vaccination, her health, her play school then school and her college and so on. But, once our baby starts going to school we miss ourselves. We sometimes miss that young, dynamic, educated and confident personality of our own.
Today we are sharing a story of a woman who has understood this need and helped many women by creating a platform for them where they can earn, stay confident and that too from home.
Mrs. Amita Gupta Founder & Partner of WORKOID, A successful entrepreneur for 5 years, this is her second innings at setting up a recruitment venture. A Post Graduate (IB) from Delhi School of Economics and a Maths (H) Graduate, she has been an independent consultant and an academician. She leads the team by example.
Motherhood is a journey while sharing a glimpse of her journey Amita Gupta Founder Workoid says,
My journey of motherhood has started 19 years back, from the time the baby bump became pronounced and my daily life had to change in bits, like walking slower, medications to control BP, swelling in the feet and so on. I was working with a private bank at a time and long hours at the desk were needed. The journey has been of learning to learn, listen to all yet do what your instinct tells is the best.At other times,it may be best to let go off things and lay your faith in the pediatrician or the mom in law or the sister. I have learned to stretch children only to an extent and refrain from stretching too far that they break.
I feel it’s important to talk to your child properly without lisping if you want them to talk properly.Children are born trainers and we have to train them rather than getting trained by them if we want to be professionally engaged. .In words of my mother – in – law- children are born trainers and we have to train them rather than getting trained by them .It is this mantra that helped me manage kids schedule with professional engagement.It is important to make their routine around ours rather than the other way around.It is important to make their routine around ours rather than the other way around.
Ms. Amita Gupta is a successful name in Recruitment. On talking about her second inning she says…..
I come from a service class family and am married into one, but I do have a healthy risk appetite.It’s noteworthy to mention that neither my In-laws nor spouse never got in my way nor discouraged me from launching the entrepreneurial venture. This does not imply that they will do your work or accomplish your goals.It is important for married women entrepreneurs to have a clarity that they are on their own when they start a venture. One can expect support from spouse and family but not active participation. Workoid happened when I moved to the UK as an Expat wife and after settling down in the UK I had time on hands. My kids are in school and settled so I could take out time for doing something for me and others.
Workoid helps women’s Especially moms and gives a platform to work from home. Amita Gupta Founder Workoid inspires and helps many women to work from home and earn their bit to support the family and regain confidence. The management of such setup Amita Gupta Founder Workoid adds..
Workoid is a women organization and we specifically prefer women who want to pursue a career after kids but are not ready for a 9 to 5 job for various reasons. Workoid’s recruitment team consists of women who are married, with kids, well educated, attentive, ready to use technology and most importantly motivated and ready to adjust their routine around demands of work. It’s not about managing but taking everybody along while not interfering with their personal time. Needless to say, technology and all the user-friendly platforms help us function seamlessly.
The beauty of life is to remain self-motivated. Mrs. Amita Gupta Founder Workoid is an example of managing her two kids and Workoid together with no complaints ever. Her secret is…

Work from Home is a growing Industry in India. Still, there is a way to go. For aspiring Work from Home women’s Amita Gupta Founder Workoid suggests…
Believe in yourself, your aims and what you intend to traverse in your journey. Goals are not the do all, end all. Just like motherhood, many leanings are intangible and all gains are not measured in terms of money.
I Thank you, Mrs. Amita Gupta Founder Workoid, for sharing her journey with us it is truly inspiring and I wish you All the Best for future. I am sure her journey has touched you. Please visit www.workoid.in for more details on her venture.
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It is blog posts like this that make the mommy bloggers community so special, Ms.Gupta is an inspiration to all moms. The advice she has given regarding building childrens schedule around ours is very practical. I’m definitely going to more research on her and her venture. Thanks for the informative post!
Thank you so much
Oh wow! What an inspirational story! It’s great to read real stories about women supporting women and mothers supporting mothers. And she is clearly trying to do that with Workoid. I personally know many moms who would love a work from home option so I’m definitely ask them to check this out. 🙂
It is very inspiring to see a woman, especially a young mother manage work & family seamlessly & stand tall against all circumstances as an example for not just the family but the society as a whole. Very inspiring!
It always feels like to read about the ladies who did something extra ordinary. Great post 🙂
Lovely story and glad I got to know about the Workoid platform. WIll be helpful for many working moms like us.
This was a great introductuon. When women support each other great things happen. Only a mother can understand what other moms have gone through and so glad Amita has done something for this cause.
What Ann inspiring woman. I am amazed at what she has done and that too with 2kids in tow. It was great to read about her
What an inspiring story about an amazing woman! Thanks for sharing!
So inspiring! It was great to hear about how she is making an impact.
I love that line about children being born trainers! Definitely makes you look at parenting differently!
She is definitely a have it all mom and an inspiration. Great interview.
This post is so motivating , I am truly motivated to work from home, using all my power to make it happen
This sounds like a wonderful foundation! I can totally relate about how becoming and being a Mom changes everything and you’re not you anymore. I’m so glad Amita Gupta decided to do this to help other women!
This was so inspiring… thanks for sharing…
This is such a great article. It’s great to hear about working from home in other countries around the world.
Motivation can move mountains. And dupport really helos too.
Thank you for the inspiration to find ourselves beyond being just moms.
Great article and perspective on this topic! Motivation is key! I love this!
I love reading your featured moms on your blog!
This story is very inspirational for new moms and all moms! 🙂
Keep on coming up with these kinda inspirational stories on motherhood and wonderful women out there
She is such a great women. Her story is full of inspiration for many other women and moms. Her journey of life taught us many things. Thanks for sharing about great personality like her.
That’s so inspiring story of Mrs Amita indeed believing in our dreams brings success
She is a true inspiration for all of us. How hardworking yet graceful the way she is.
Truly motivating and inspiring person, more power to you for taking your time to identify and write about such personalities
Women like her inapire us to do more and acheive more be it any stage of life. Thanks for publishing her interview. ????
She is very inspiring.. this is a must read for those moms who feel they have lost their identity after having kids
she hs ample family support and i personally feel thats a big boon!! Thank you for sharing her story with us 🙂
It’s great to read a really super mom story. She is an inspiration to all mothers.
Such posts inspire and encourage women to realise that they can do anything in their personal as well as professional life at any stage
An inspiring lady, if everyone will start thinking like her I am sure our world would be a better place – where everyone will have self respect and esteem of being financially independent.
Super initiative Jiya
Thnx for introducing Amita… She truly inspires many women like me
I like the article. she is a true inspiration.